Current News und Press Releases
Climate change and wind farm yields
Fraunhofer IWES and GERICS are launching a new research project to investigate climatic changes in wind and their influence on wind energy site assessment. more
Citizens for the climate
In the Bürgerrat Klima, 160 people drawn by lot develop strategies for Germany's climate goals. more
How scientific networks bring cutting-edge science upfront
New GERICS article on more
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht becomes the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
GERICS has been a scientific organizational entity of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) since ... more
Keynote by Daniela Jacob at the 3rd CSI Global Forum
Presentation of a new Climate-Fact-Sheet for Costa Rica more
New WCRP-CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study with GERICS participation
The “URBan environments and Regional Climate Change (URB-RCC)” project has been endorsed by [url more
Keynote von Daniela Jacob anlässlich der Auftaktveranstaltung RegIKlim (Regionale Informationen zum Klimahandeln)
Die BMBF Fördermaßnahme „Regionale Informationen zum Klimahandeln (RegIKlim)" möchte Städ more
Daniela Jacob im Pressegespräch beim Nachhaltigkeitsforum Hamburg
Nachhaltigkeitsforum fordert: No more empty promises! more
Veröffentlichung im Themenheft Grundwasser
Artikel von Steffen Bender und Markus Groth zu Klimawandel und Grundwassernutzung more
Start der 12. Deutschen Klimatagung (12 DKT)
Mit einer Pressekonferenz wurde die 12. Deutsche Klimatagung eröffnet, die vom 15. bis 18. März ... more
Start of the GERICS Online Colloquium Series
Our Future in a Changing Climate more
INNOVA Ezine issue 8 released
Climate and Earth Observation Services for Small Islands more
EU event on the occasion of the presentation of the new Climate Adaptation Strategy
Daniela Jacob as a participant in a community workshop more
EURO-CORDEX annual meeting 2021 as a virtual meeting
11th General Assembly of EURO-CORDEX more
LANDMATE / GERICS scientist gives presentation at the AMOS 2021
New land cover change dataset presented more